Business Setup Assistance in UAE - Tessella Studio

Experts from Tessella provide a full bundle of services aimed at helping you to start your business in the United Arab Emirates.


The United Arab Emirates is a country of many actively developing sectors of economy, such as financial sector, investment in construction, Information Technologies, tourism and hospitality.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, UAE was one of the first countries to open its borders to tourism by skillfully applying successful global experience in the fight against coronavirus. Thus, UAE economy, before many countries, was able to move to recovery phase after a wave of lockdowns. As a result, the world EXPO 2020 exhibition was successfully launched in Dubai in October 2021, along with many other extraordinary achievements in the various fields on the way.

Skillful governance, balanced legislation and a healthy economic ecosystem have made UAE one of the most popular countries for starting and doing business. A company in the UAE provides ample opportunities for successful business operations, offering a virbant market, convenient working conditions and relatively low taxation.

However, once arrived to UAE, many face difficulties in the process of registering a company, finding partners, contractors, suppliers and clients, as well as fine-tuning their business processes. The nuances of legislation, local mentality and customs, as well as a wide range of licensing options can become an obstacle in starting your own business – but we are here to help.

Experts from Tessella provide a package of services aimed at helping you start a business in the UAE. This package includes:

  • Consultation on choosing a license for your business;
  • Assistance with registration in FTA and obtaining VAT Certificate;
  • Help with choosing a bank and opening a company account;
  • Assistance with the opening of work visas for owners and employees of the company;
  • Consultation on the choice of location for the office of the company;
  • Development of a logo and corporate identity for the company (including business cards, letterheads and other documentation);
  • Development of the company website.

This package of services is aimed at full support by the client from the moment the decision is made to open a company in the UAE until (but not limited to) completion of the entire set of tools for successful business operations.

Contact us for initial consultation regarding business setup in UAE.

Let`s Get Started!

We view our every project as something unique & tailor-made to meet all customers needs. We care about what we create, no matter what it is – a website, a logo design, lenticular artwork or a complete branding package.

Check out our portfolio to find out more, or contact us directly via email, WhatsApp or a direct phone call!